ASC 永續水產養殖認證


ASC 永續水產養殖認證

水產養殖管理委員會(Aquaculture Stewardship Council,ASC) 係一具國際影響力之獨立性非營利組織, 旨在透過與水產養殖生產者、水產品加工企業、零售和食品服務公司、 科學家、環保組織與消費者的合作: 通過ASC水產養殖認證計畫和水產品標籤來識別和獎勵負責任的水產養殖。購買水產品時,推薦選擇對環境和社會友好的ASC認證養殖水產品,致力於推動水產品市場持續發展轉型。

隨著消費者對食品安全的需求日益增長 世界各國對水產品的品質、安全、衛生要求也愈來愈嚴峻。  

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certification

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council is an independent non-profit organization with global influence. It works with seafood farms, seafood processors, retailers and food service providers, scientists, environmental groups and consumers to promote responsible seafood farming. The ASC certification and label program identifies and rewards responsible aquaculture, and puts the choice to purchase sustainable seafood products in the hands of consumers. The ASC is committed to promoting the sustainable development and transformation of the aquaculture market.  

With food safety awareness rising with each passing day, countries around the world are enacting stricter quality, safety, and sanitation standards for seafood products.  

As an ASC-certified company, New Cheng is compliant with the latest and most stringent certification standards in the global aquaculture industry. When consumers see the ASC logo on our products, they know that we value the trust they place in us and our products.